6th European alcohol policy conference 2014

2014 m. lapkričio 27 d. Briuselyje prasidės EuroCare organizuojama European Alcohol policy konferencija.


Eurocare had the pleasure to host the 6th European Alcohol Policy Conference, which took place on 27th and 28th November 2014 in Brussels.

The conference brought together over 300 participants from 36 countries. This represented a broad representation of stakeholders concerned with alcohol related-harm (policy and decision makers, scientists, alcohol and health experts,) with the intention to strengthen networks, build capacity and stimulate action to prevent and reduce alcohol related problems at all levels.

The 6th European Alcohol Policy Conference intended to raise awareness among the key policy and decision makers about the current burden of alcohol in Europe, and the multiple health and social problems it creates. It is for this reason that we encourage you to support our Call for a Comprehensive Alcohol Policy Strategy in the European Union.


The topics covered, among others, included:

  • EU Alcohol Strategy
  • Price and taxation
  • Health and inequalities
  • Advertisement
  • Information to consumers
  • Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm (RARHA)


The conference is receiving financial support from the Health Program of the European Commission, the Ministry of Health in Scotland, Sweden and Norway, EHYT (Finland), IOGT-NTO (Sweden) and ANPAA (France).